1 min read

Where to go after PfK

Miquel C writes:

Do you know where to learn Python? I've been searching and I've only found Codecademy. I'd be very happy if you know where to go from Python For Kids. All kind of learning would be great.

I also downloaded an IRC bot, and I've translated it to my language. I've been looking the code and
learning a bit.

Once you've mastered the basics of programming, my suggestion would be to find a small project to work on. Rather than looking at other people's code, or reading another, more advanced book, try creating your own version of an application you're interested in. It should be challenging, but not impossible. For example, when I was younger, I learned a new programming language by creating my own version of Tetris. You'll hit problems you don't know how to solve, so you'll end up reading the Python documentation, or googling to find the answers, or asking questions on sites like StackOverflow. But that's the one of the best ways to carry on learning (in my opinion).