from tkinter import * import random import time class Game: def __init__(self): = Tk()"Mr. Stick Man Races for the Exit"), 0)"-topmost", 1) self.canvas = Canvas(, width=500, height=500, highlightthickness=0) self.canvas.pack() self.canvas_height = 500 self.canvas_width = 500 = PhotoImage(file="background.gif") w = h = for x in range(0, 5): for y in range(0, 5): self.canvas.create_image(x * w, y * h,, anchor='nw') self.sprites = [] self.running = True def mainloop(self): while 1: if self.running == True: for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.move() time.sleep(0.01) class Coords: def __init__(self, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0): self.x1 = x1 self.y1 = y1 self.x2 = x2 self.y2 = y2 def within_x(co1, co2): if (co1.x1 > co2.x1 and co1.x1 < co2.x2) \ or (co1.x2 > co2.x1 and co1.x2 < co2.x2) \ or (co2.x1 > co1.x1 and co2.x1 < co1.x2) \ or (co2.x2 > co1.x1 and co2.x2 < co1.x1): return True else: return False def within_y(co1, co2): if (co1.y1 > co2.y1 and co1.y1 < co2.y2) \ or (co1.y2 > co2.y1 and co1.y2 < co2.y2) \ or (co2.y1 > co1.y1 and co2.y1 < co1.y2) \ or (co2.y2 > co1.y1 and co2.y2 < co1.y1): return True else: return False def collided_left(co1, co2): if within_y(co1, co2): if co1.x1 <= co2.x2 and co1.x1 >= co2.x1: return True return False def collided_right(co1, co2): if within_y(co1, co2): if co1.x2 >= co2.x1 and co1.x2 <= co2.x2: return True return False def collided_top(co1, co2): if within_x(co1, co2): if co1.y1 <= co2.y2 and co1.y1 >= co2.y1: return True return False def collided_bottom(y, co1, co2): if within_x(co1, co2): y_calc = co1.y2 + y if y_calc >= co2.y1 and y_calc <= co2.y2: return True return False class Sprite: def __init__(self, game): = game self.endgame = False self.coordinates = None def move(self): pass def coords(self): return self.coordinates class PlatformSprite(Sprite): def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height): Sprite.__init__(self, game) self.photo_image = photo_image self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw') self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + width, y + height) class StickFigureSprite(Sprite): def __init__(self, game): Sprite.__init__(self, game) self.images_left = [ PhotoImage(file="figure-L1.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-L2.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-L3.gif") ] self.images_right = [ PhotoImage(file="figure-R1.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-R2.gif"), PhotoImage(file="figure-R3.gif") ] self.image = game.canvas.create_image(200, 470, image=self.images_left[0], anchor='nw') self.x = -2 self.y = 0 self.current_image = 0 self.current_image_add = 1 self.jump_count = 0 self.last_time = time.time() self.coordinates = Coords() game.canvas.bind_all('', self.turn_left) game.canvas.bind_all('', self.turn_right) game.canvas.bind_all('', self.jump) def turn_left(self, evt): if self.y == 0: self.x = -2 def turn_right(self, evt): if self.y == 0: self.x = 2 def jump(self, evt): if self.y == 0: self.y = -4 self.jump_count = 0 def animate(self): if self.x != 0 and self.y == 0: if time.time() - self.last_time > 0.1: self.last_time = time.time() self.current_image += self.current_image_add if self.current_image >= 2: self.current_image_add = -1 if self.current_image <= 0: self.current_image_add = 1 if self.x < 0: if self.y != 0:, image=self.images_left[2]) else:, image=self.images_left[self.current_image]) elif self.x > 0: if self.y != 0:, image=self.images_right[2]) else:, image=self.images_right[self.current_image]) def coords(self): xy = list( self.coordinates.x1 = xy[0] self.coordinates.y1 = xy[1] self.coordinates.x2 = xy[0] + 27 self.coordinates.y2 = xy[1] + 30 return self.coordinates def move(self): self.animate() if self.y < 0: self.jump_count += 1 if self.jump_count > 20: self.y = 4 if self.y > 0: self.jump_count -= 1 co = self.coords() left = True right = True top = True bottom = True falling = True if self.y > 0 and co.y2 >= self.y = 0 bottom = False elif self.y < 0 and co.y1 <= 0: self.y = 0 top = False if self.x > 0 and co.x2 >= self.x = 0 right = False elif self.x < 0 and co.x1 <= 0: self.x = 0 left = False for sprite in if sprite == self: continue sprite_co = sprite.coords() if top and self.y < 0 and collided_top(co, sprite_co): self.y = -self.y top = False if bottom and self.y > 0 and collided_bottom(self.y, co, sprite_co): self.y = sprite_co.y1 - co.y2 if self.y < 0: self.y = 0 bottom = False top = False if bottom and falling and self.y == 0 and co.y2 < and collided_bottom(1, co, sprite_co): falling = False if left and self.x < 0 and collided_left(co, sprite_co): self.x = 0 left = False if sprite.endgame: = False if right and self.x > 0 and collided_right(co, sprite_co): self.x = 0 right = False if sprite.endgame: = False if falling and bottom and self.y == 0 and co.y2 < self.y = 4, self.x, self.y) class DoorSprite(Sprite): def __init__(self, game, photo_image, x, y, width, height): Sprite.__init__(self, game) self.photo_image = photo_image self.image = game.canvas.create_image(x, y, image=self.photo_image, anchor='nw') self.coordinates = Coords(x, y, x + (width / 2), y + height) self.endgame = True g = Game() platform1 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), 0, 480, 100, 10) platform2 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), 150, 440, 100, 10) platform3 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), 300, 400, 100, 10) platform4 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform1.gif"), 300, 160, 100, 10) platform5 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), 175, 350, 66, 10) platform6 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), 50, 300, 66, 10) platform7 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), 170, 120, 66, 10) platform8 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform2.gif"), 45, 60, 66, 10) platform9 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform3.gif"), 170, 250, 32, 10) platform10 = PlatformSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="platform3.gif"), 230, 200, 32, 10) g.sprites.append(platform1) g.sprites.append(platform2) g.sprites.append(platform3) g.sprites.append(platform4) g.sprites.append(platform5) g.sprites.append(platform6) g.sprites.append(platform7) g.sprites.append(platform8) g.sprites.append(platform9) g.sprites.append(platform10) door = DoorSprite(g, PhotoImage(file="door1.gif"), 45, 30, 40, 35) g.sprites.append(door) sf = StickFigureSprite(g) g.sprites.append(sf) g.mainloop()