I've come across some uncorroborated reports that some of the instructions, or examples, in Python for Kids don't work with Windows 10. Uncorroborated because it's unfortunately nothing more than "it don't work". Not spectacularly useful, so I've finally gotten around to installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox to test this out.
Instructions for Python installation remain pretty much the same, except that the latest version of Python is now 3.6, whereas on the last printing of PfK, it was 3.5. The results of installation aren't too dissimilar to Windows 7 either:
I cherry-picked a few of the code samples at the beginning of the book to test, but wasn't expecting any of those to be a problem (they weren't), and then went through the more complicated code (turtle, tkinter) in the rest. Everything works as expected, except there is a little bit of graphical weirdness in the Bounce game (chapters 13, 14) where the ball seems to deform as it moves. I'm pretty certain this is an artifact of using Windows inside VirtualBox (I've never found animated graphics to work particularly well when you're in an OS inside an OS) - it's certainly not a problem in Linux or on a Mac. But interested to hear if anyone else has experienced the same issue on Windows: