1 min read

Finding your way

Finding your way

We went to Rome over the weekend. Despite the weather (mild but wet), gelato seemed one of the higher priorities - a task that was more difficult than you might expect, when you want to go to one of the more famous Italian ice cream parlours, and you're relying on the slightly oddly printed tourist maps (with occasional irritatingly positioned advertising boxes). Apple's Maps isn't bad, at a high level, and I like the way it saves prior searches, but in order to see the street names, you need to zoom in far too close to get a good idea of where you're going next (at times).

Google Maps doesn't save prior searches (unless you're logged in, I believe), but it offers a number of alternative walking routes (useful for tourist wanderings), and seems to do a better job of highlighting street names. In addition, with data roaming switched off, it didn't stumble after first downloading the maps on Wi-Fi - I don't think Apple Maps was quite as good. I haven't quite dragged it to my front screen to replace Maps yet - but I'm wavering...