1 min read

BBC micro:bit with Python for Kids

Janick writes:

My son got "Python for Kids" (the dutch translation) from Sinterklaas last december (Sinterklaas is the local Santa in Belgium and the Netherlands). He really enjoyed it! The weeks following he read and coded almost every day until he finished the book. Some days after, I mentioned we could investigate if he could use the micro:bit he got the year before to control his games. He was really into this idea and we looked for python packages that could make this possible. We didn't find any, and because the bluetooth APIs are a bit difficult to get started with for a kid, I created one myself: https://github.com/janickr/kaspersmicrobit. We both find the result really fun and engaging! It makes the games even more impressive and attractive for other kids (like his older sisters). I hope you like it too!

Glad your son enjoyed the book, and the micro:bit controller looks very cool – I particularly like the 2-player adaptation of the Bounce game you came up with in the video: